About Us

The Stow Sunday Morning group hosts an AA beginners meeting and speaker meeting at the Pompositticut Senior Center, 509 Great Road (Rt 117) in Stow MA on Sundays.

Both the 10am beginners meeting and 11am meeting are "open" — anyone can attend.

The senior center (Pompo) is ADA-accessible with ample parking. Please observe the No Parking signs and no smoking except the parking lot (as shown below).

Pompo Center

To join the group, please see the secretary or raffle table.

Group History

Since 1970, the group has met at these places in Stow: St. Isadore's church, the Stow Center school, the Old Town Hall building, and now at Pompo.

Stow Sunday Morning is part of District 24 in Eastern MA (Area 30) and registered with G.S.O, Worcester Area Intergroup and Boston Central Service.

Stow Sunday observes the AA 12 Steps and abides by the 12 Traditions of AA. Per our textbook, Alcoholics Anonymous: Love and tolerance of others is our code.

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